BrandingDesign system
Project outline:
"America: A Case for Reframing an Idea" examines how myths have shaped concepts in the U.S. and focuses on rebranding them for a more accurate representation.
Our vision:
Moogic is a branding system that my teammate Martina Laksu and I developed to challenge the misconceptions about whole milk, flipping the narrative that it is unhealthy compared to alternative options like oat milk on popular media.

Throughout the project, we discovered that marketing campaigns, which overhype plant-based alternatives, often perpetuate many misconceptions about whole milk. People are likely to follow trends they see on social media and quickly reject and shame what is deemed as "not trendy." The inspiration came from a barista when she was asked to make a coffee with "the popular milk."
To solve:
To change people's perception of whole milk, we focused on evoking the childhood memory of sitting at home and drinking milk under the influence of their parents, while playfully bashing 0@tly as they often do to whole milk.