
Experience Design

Project outline:

"Micro-Moments, Macro Effects" is a public service announcement dedicated to highlighting the pain of microaggressions through personal stories from individuals of diverse backgrounds and ages. In our interviews, some subjects expressed regret over their past roles as aggressors, while others shared emotional narratives that moved them to tears. As the interviewer, I also confronted moments when I may have inadvertently contributed to this harm. This project invites everyone to reflect on their actions and experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of how microaggressions impact our communities and encouraging accountability and empathy in our interactions.

Our vision:

To showcase "Micro-Moments, Macro Effects," we went through extensive idealizing and prototyping, leading us to a unique format for our reveal. We aimed to create an experience that resonates with viewers, illustrating how microaggressions can often go unnoticed by both the aggressor and the person experiencing them. By emphasizing this subtlety, we hope to encourage a deeper awareness of these moments and inspire meaningful conversations about their effects.
